Disclaimer regarding Mold Information on this Website

The information on mold provided on this website shall be considered general and is furnished as a courtesy only. All information is considered commonly available and is believed to be accurate to the extent furnished, however has not been reviewed or edited by recognized experts. While every endeavor has been made to ensure that the information on this website is correct and fairly stated at the time of publication, no liability is accepted for error or omission.

Diagnosis of a particular health effect should be left to a medical professional. Health effects in general are not well studied, and dosage, exposure, and sensitivity thresholds are not well known and can potentially vary tremendously depending on various conditions and on the particular individuals. Effects will also vary from species to species within a particular mold genus. Additionally, many ill effects of mold that have been observed recently are the result of modern building design and its lack of adequate ventilation, which can vary from room to room, let alone building to building.

This information provided on this web site is not for decision-making nor intended to be construed as a substitute for obtaining proper expert advice from recognized professionals in their related fields. Detailed information on microbiological organisms, human exposure and health information, remedial activities, etc., should be obtained from the appropriate resources.

For more information, ask the experts