How Moldy Leaves Make Me Feel
I love fall, but….not moldy leaves!
There’s something about waking up to October 1st and realizing fall is coming. As the leaves start to turn, so does my stomach. Mold will be hiding in my piles of leaves, especially after they get wet.
The Curse of Fall Leaves
I remember too well the moldy truth about all those fallen leaves and I cannot be around them. There is the usual hay fever symptoms of things blooming, like rag weed. And then, the fear and the exhaustion sets in.
I panic when my husband starts to rake the leaves. Worse even, sometimes he decides to cut them all up with the mower. And what about his shoes and clothes! I beg him shed everything and head straight to the shower!
Things that Work for Me
I feel like an odd duck, but I carry a mask and gloves with me everywhere I go this time of year. Other things that pile on, like perfume or chemical fumes, bring me to my knees.
I use essential oils, stay inside and keep my windows closed. I use salt water ‘snorts’ and cling to my antihistamines. I read everything I can get my hands on about handling mold sickness and follow the protocols they suggest as much as I can afford (thank you for all the helpful information on this website!).
All of this helps. However, I always feel a certain level panic rising. It’s a place I remember. I can keep my inside environment relatively free of mold (kinda), but who can manage mother nature?
I’m just saying: if you ever suffer from mold sickness, something inside stays on high alert 24 x 7 this time of year. And, for more information, I found this website helpful for reminding me of leaves and other things that might make me sick in the fall.
Name withheld by request.