Help Your Family Stay Well During Flu Season!
Help your family and friends stay well this flu season! No one wants the flu!
I realize this email is not really about mold. It’s about being sick, and right now, my husband is sick with the flu, Poor man! He is miserable. But, because I am so susceptible to mold and airborne pollen, I feel like I am especially prone to the flu, even after having the flu shot.
I am sure that if you have had the flu or are having it now, you would not wish it on your worst enemy (that’s what my husband says).
However, most sick people don’t realize the impact they have on other’s health. Carelessness probably makes the most impact on people around us.
For example, my husband gave a huge sneeze without covering his mouth. Granted, it was rather sudden. But immediately our common surrounds are flooded with contamination.
I ran for the shower, started up the diffusers with essential oils (I use tea tree oil, Thieves by Young Life, On Guard by Doe Terra and eucalyptus). I washed out my nose with salt water, sprayed my throat with Zicam and took some extra vitamin C.
So, there must be other home remedies to stay well during flu season. What is the best advice for preventing the spread of all those germs. I’ve read about cleaning common areas with vinegar, Clorox wipes, alcohol or essential oils in water as a spray. What works best?
I’ve read to drink lots of liquids like water with lemon, juice and warm soup (does chicken really work?). Get lots of sleep (I feel a nap coming on).
What else? I’m desperate for some sound advice! I did find this link with what seems like sound advice.
Meanwhile, I am trying to keep him as comfortable as possible with heated rice bags, hot tea with lemon and aspirin/Advil. I think it’s too late for Tamaflu, and of course, the flu shot!
Anyway, my message – If your are sick, clean up after yourself and quarantine yourself with a good book or movie. Help stop the spread of this miserable illness. Your wife, kids, neighbors and unknown strangers will appreciate you for being so kind and considerate in helping them stay well in flu season.
Name withheld by request.